We celebrate curiosity, and welcome informative and creative articles that align with our holistic health and metaphysical content. Become a thought-leader in your fields of expertise as a contributor.
The Edge is committed to upholding the integrity and reputation of its platforms and community. We will not accept articles, ads or other editorial that are misleading, offensive or otherwise counter-productive. All submissions must be new, un-published, original content. While our goal is to use content as it is submitted, we have the right to evaluate, edit and refuse materials.
Article Submission Guidelines
How to submit articles – Use our online form on this page (see below) or e-mail submissions as Word or text documents (.doc, .docx, .txt files, attached to your e-mail message) to editor@edgemagazine.net
Word count and other details – Send only original unpublished content. Submission does not guarantee their publication. All content follows a review process.
We recommend 1,200 words or less for online articles. Print articles are limited to 600 words, unless other arrangements are made with the editor. Include a brief author bio at the end of every submission, describing who you are and how you can be contacted. Include your name, email, and phone. Also provide a photo of yourself to include with your bio.
Poetry Guidelines – We share poems of most any form and convention. Some example topics include: nature, connections, community, awareness, the universe, previous lives, the journey, guides, the daily journey of life. Send original, unpublished poems along with your photo and short bio. Submission do not guarantee publication.
The Fine Print – By submitting your article, you are certifying it is your own and does not contain copyrighted material or content used without permission. The Edge reserves the right to edit and refuse submissions. The publisher assumes no liability for unsolicited art, photos, manuscripts or other materials used without permission.
Support The Edge!
The Edge magazine is a locally owned publication that only exists through the support of advertising. We have worked very hard on expanding the variety of content on edgemagazine.net and enhancing the look and feel of our printed magazine. Request a Media Kit
We invite you to explore all the ways to promote yourself in The Edge. We appreciates your advertising support. If you’re not an advertiser, contact Kelly to learn about our options for any budget at email kelly@edgemagazine.net and 612-251-6666. More about Advertising
If you feel you have nothing to advertise, we invite you to support our efforts to keep The Edge alive with a donation. Donate to The Edge
We sincerely thank you for supporting us, in all ways, as we support you.
Edge Article Submission Form
Have questions about Edge advertising? Want to place an ad or event listing on our site or in upcoming printed issues? Contact Kelly at 612-251-6666 or email kelly@edgemagazine.net