
Musings, Poetry & The Arts

my chosen family poem

Chosen Family

I love you so much, So deep So hard You are stitched into me Thousands of moments Strung together Seams of your support, Your love Defining shades of my heart I feel the patterns You laid on my soul Your massive strength Shaping me; Your ribbons and...
Persephone Greek and Roman goddess of spring and death

Persephone, Goddess of Spring… and Death

“I sing of the revered goddess, rich-haired Demeter, and her long-legged daughter whom Hades snatched (loud-rumbling, thundering Zeus gave her away) while she played with the virgin daughters of Ocean, far from Golden Grain Demeter, who bears shining...
same old same old deer in nature poem

Same Old Same Old

Three teen deer have begun of late to make daily dusk-time stops out back, their flat flanks and thick, angled necks depicting stumps and trunks that then move and materialize and re-blend as their busy muzzles forage-and- freeze them across...
the mountain nature poetry

The Mountain

– after "god of the green door come" by Nan Seymour Disheartened god of the revolving door, help me to scale the mountain of worldly confusion toward hope. God of innocent deer watching from under the orchard trees, of lizards scurrying...
action of the heart poem

Action of the Heart

Behaviors are simply the physical manifestation of feelings. Learn to trust and feel your true nature and your behaviors will manifest their highest expression effortlessly and automatically. The reason this seems to "take time"...
unconditional love poem

Unconditional Love

What love has taught me Love taught me How to forgive How to heal That I am worthy Enough to be loved And to allow love Into my heart That I deserve To be treated fairly I hope one day To be The word family Is scared...
the path poetry

The Path

Behold! Grace and beauty lay before you Why can't your see it? It lays at your feet It spans across the great horizons Kneel down and touch the ground It beholds truth and justice Take it in your hands Raise it up...
seasonal sojourn poem

Seasonal Sojourn

In oversized stockings of red and gold yarn, and tucked beneath a boisterous evergreen sprouting lights, tinsel, ornaments of glass, gifts appear. A nutty season, it’s a crazy mix of outrageous and sensible, a collision of family and friends...
trees talk - here is their wisdom

Yes, Trees Talk – Here’s the Wisdom They Share with Us

I was hanging out in Mother Nature, spending time exploring deep within the acreage of the nearby St. Croix State Park near Hinkley in Minnesota.It was a gorgeous fall day and I settled down...
great blue heron poem

Great Blue Heron

"Look, I want to love this world as though it’s the last chance I’m ever going to get to be alive and know it." — Mary Oliver, “October” Busy inhabiting my world— blazing car, radio blather, coffee buzz that wouldn’t last— I...
love letter to yourself

A Letter to Love Yourself

Love yourself. Do not believe society’s concept of beauty Cause truly You are a masterpiece created by the Master, God, you are beautiful you are skin and bones Human, you are not made of metaphors Your strength is fire, it's never ending You are not...
beautiful sun moon poetry


Beautiful the Sun Beautiful the Moon Beautiful the Stars in the sky. Beautiful the Earth Beautiful the Water Beautiful the Creatures. Beautiful the Spirit Beautiful Creator Beautiful the Ancestors. Beautiful the Angels Beautiful our Guides Beautiful our Higher Selves. Beautiful the Teachers Beautiful the Healers Beautiful Humanity, Beautiful the...
beauty of lotus flower poem

The Beauty of the Lotus Flower

The Beauty of the lotus flower If you stand alone in a pond You may witness a lotus flower, Blooming through mud and guck The mud has yielded courageous roots for this water lily. So that it can blossom...
green flash at sunset

Green Flash

The legendary green flash is real. After more than fifty years living on the coast and countless sunset viewings, I finally saw it, as the last slice of ripe tangerine slipped into the horizon’s expectant mouth. I had thought it a tall...
everything I need I found in my closet

Everything I Need I Found in My Closet

My house has the charm of the 1920s when it was built, sturdy, with lots of crown molding, with a bit of a tilt. It resides amid the trees atop a flight of fifty steps, So, carrying...
waterfall poem


Trying to end a waterfall Can destroy you. Such massive power, Eternal energy Crashing over you, Through you The force will crush you If you stand against it Grinding you into dust Against the rocks beneath it There is no shutting it down There is...
never forget the impact poetry

Never forget

Never forget the impact Never forget The difference You have made In my life I know I am not Your family But in my heart And for me You have shown me That family can be or is The greatest treasure of Unconditional love And trust That we...