I was going to write about Holly with the holiday season upon us, but Spirit stepped in and said “no, you need to tell everyone about cinnamon!” Well, I don't argue with Spirit, so...
The fall season has arrived, and we look forward to welcoming the fresh, autumn days and the crisp colored leaves crunching at our feet. We love snuggling into our cozy woolly sweaters while we...
Intuitive listening is a skill and an art form to higher conscious living. You are gifted at birth with various levels of this innate ability. Intuitive listening is when and where you receive your...
Magnesium is such a critical mineral to our everyday well-being. Did you know it is responsible for over 300 enzyme reactions in the body? Magnesium helps with the proper functioning of brain cell communication,...
The ancient Greeks were very learned people in various healing disciplines. Their philosophy was studied by Freud, who based a lot of his ideas on their teachings. Unfortunately, almost 1 million of their valuable...
This is the third in a six-part article. Parts 4-6 will be posted in future months. Be sure to watch for them! Catch up by reading part 1 and part 2
Now What
Here we are,...
An excerpt from my book A Solution to a Pointless Life...
Here we are, inhabitants on Planet Earth, united in our shared struggle with the same existential question: What is the purpose of my life?...
I love October's energy. Throughout my life, October's energy has gifted me with opportunities, adventures, and life-changing events. My career life started in October with my first job, learning the art and science of...
Sage has been used by many different cultures for a wide variety of different purposes though the ages. It's been used for its metaphysical and medicinal properties as well as flavoring food. Let's look...
Do you remember the famous “I’m mad as hell” speech from the 1976 movie Network? The character Howard Beale, in part of a long monologue, cries out:
“Please, at least leave us alone in our...
The "Sunday Scaries" is an anxiety felt as the weekend ends, affecting mental health and life quality. Confronting this with practical strategies can make Sundays a day to positively prep for the week. These...
While traditional therapies and medications are commonly relied upon for mental health, exploring unconventional methods can offer unique and refreshing ways to rejuvenate your mind. These alternative approaches, from mindfulness techniques to creative arts,...
If you have been practicing my monthly numerology messages each month, I have been teaching you the art and science of manifesting your dreams. Last month, you probably celebrated your successes. August’s 8-8-vibrational energy...
A friend of mine called the other day from Los Angeles and said she wanted to set up a phone consultation for her dog. I said, “You don’t need to”. She said “Why not?”...
We are at the height of the season for roses. That means rose hips are also in full season as they ripen through autumn. They look like little red or orange-colored bulbs found under...
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, amidst the noise of distractions and responsibilities there exists a hidden profound truth: within each of us lies a secret spiritual seed just waiting to blossom...
As we enter August's powerful manifesting 8-vibrational energy, we find ourselves standing at the doorway of making our dreams come true. This is the manifesting energy you started learning more about and how to...