"I have not come to found a new religion. I have come to teach the art of Self-realization, which is neither an ideology nor a religion, but benefits people of all religions and...
Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, author of The Way of The Explorer, now available in a new, revised edition, is described in this way on his website:
"On January 31, 1971, Navy Captain Dr....
Interviews with leading researchers on a New Awareness that may change our lives forever
By all accounts, millions of digital camera users have seen them. Probably even cursed them. Circular anomalies and other unexplained shapes...
How this healing pioneer plans to revolutionize health care, without the support of mainstream disease care
Healing pioneer Dr. Norm Shealy, who entered medical school at age 19, developed cutting-edge research to control pain, founded...
''Reality is always kinder than the story we tell ourselves about it. If I were to tell the story of reality, it would have to be a love story. " - Byron Katie
An interview with Neale Donald Walsch and the film’s director, Stephen Simon
It's a fact of life that some people find themselves unable to support themselves. There are homeless people in cities and towns across...
An interview with Illinois organic farmer John Peterson, subject of a bold, award-winning documentary
The new documentary film The Real Dirt on Farmer John -- in production for nine years and now winner of 15 grand...
An Edge Life Interview with Arjuna Ardagh on how you are waking up and changing the world
Translucence, the quality of allowing light to pass through, is the focus of what can only be described...
William Bloom is one of the U.K.'s most experienced teachers, healers and authors in the field of holistic development. His work has helped thousands of people. His mainstream career includes a doctorate in psychology,...
Perhaps one of the most influential public lecturers on quantum physics, Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D., a.k.a. Captain Quantum, is one of the keynote speakers in April at Bridging the Water Gap: An International Water...
Moving trucks block the parking lot as strong men carry statues and other art into the former Aveda warehouse on East Hennepin Avenue. They carefully maneuver through glass doors into the high-ceiling showroom floor...
America's best-selling author and speaker on transformational wisdom, Dr. Wayne Dyer, visits the Minneapolis Convention Center on Thursday, Oct. 7, to speak about his new book that gives readers a fresh definition of the...
Walk into most schools and you're bound to see a lot of unhappy faces. It's not easy being a teenager these days. Students are under a lot of pressure, loaded up with schoolwork and...
During an historic press conference on July 2, 2003, in Washington, D.C., Dr. John Hagelin, renowned quantum physicist and Natural Law Party 2000 presidential candidate, launched his new U.S. Peace Government to bring prevention-oriented,...
Many of you a probably have heard if the upcoming astrological alignment and eclipse cycle on Nov. 8 and 23rd called the Harmonic Concordance. As it has been approaching, energy is building and with...
We've seen the peace protestors and those advocating the liberation of Iraq. Two sides, both of whom believe they're right, in vocal opposition. And who can say which one is right? Drunvalo Melchizedek, known...
(with contributions from Maureen Gallagher Hansen and Nancy Gallagher)
It's easier to put on slippers than to carpet the whole world.
-- Al Franken in Stuart Saves His Family
Al Franken is one of the original writers...