Rebirth and Remembrance – Honoring the Season and Welcoming Back the Light


As we approach the long days of darkness preceding the Winter Solstice we remain hopeful as we welcome back the light. These days of darkness provide a good time for us to go within. It can be tempting to vegetate with Netflix or curl up with a good book, all of which is good, but it takes us away from going deep and reflecting upon your growth in the last year and taking note of our desires for this next period of growth and rebirth that is to come. I am not talking about New Year’s resolutions, but rather the hope for growth and new beginnings.

In the upper Mid-West, we have the peaceful winter with snow filled days covering all that was once blossoming with a soft blanket. The earth lays dormant until spring appears allowing for rebirth and the transition to life. The earth goes through its natural process, and we can too.

honoring the winter solstice season

Prepare yourself with a beautiful Winter Solstice gathering, ceremony or sacred circle. Offer those that are close to you to join in and release energy, behaviors, thought patterns that no longer serve you. My favorite is to warm up close by a fire or sit by candlelight reflecting upon the past, and then documenting my thoughts on paper. A fire can be a great way to burn and release clearing the past to create space for new growth. Transitioning from remembrance into rebirth and drawing in the energies you want in this next cycle.

We spend so much time looking back and shutting down what we don’t want that all too often we inadvertently call those undesired energies in. Instead, intentionally focusing on what you want more of in your life, such as, more joy, love, happiness, and time with friends and family. It doesn’t have to be specifics, tangibles, earthly things, the universe is wise, and it can meet the energy you are looking for and bring you the experiences, people, and energies that you desire. All too often we set limitations on ourselves. Use this time to dream big, release the old and draw in the new.


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Sara Anondson
Sara Anondson invites you to ignite your spark and transform your life. She can guide you through stuck places by removing energetic blockages, allowing you to uncover your life’s purpose and explore your power. As a spiritual coach, intuitive medium, business mentor, sacred rose healer, shamanic practitioner and Reiki master teacher of two lineages Sara brings a well rounded approach to her offering. Visit to schedule a free consultation.


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