Your Inner Guru


We all have the wisdom we need within us. We are meant to be our own inner guru by connecting with our Higher Self or spirit which has all the answers we need for our lives. However, we may forget to access it or may not realize that we can do so. Our societal training teaches us that everything is outside of ourselves. That there’s always a person or guru “higher up” than us that can connect to the Divine and knows more than us for our own life journey.

It’s important to have mentors and support in our life – we all need that – but we need to remember that we are all a part of the Divine therefore can connect directly to it. We came here with all we need within our own beautiful spirit! Our spirit is what’s actually guiding our journey. The new era we are collectively moving into requires us to be our own inner guru, so we have the freedom to be our authentic self and co-create an authentic world!

find your inner guru

A good way to contact the inner guru, or Higher Self, is to stop the brain’s need to micro-manage our lives. It may go through all the possible details and scenarios which doesn’t leave room for exciting, better surprises. It’s better to take our hands off the wheel and let the Higher Self be the guru directing our lives. See yourself handing over all problems to your Higher Self for resolution. This can look like your human self is handing worries over to an older, wiser self – the Higher Self – or an ethereal being or however you want to picture your spirit.

It’s also important to know that each person in our life has their own inner guru or Higher Self. Even if their journey seems extra challenging, the Higher Self is still in charge even if we don’t understand why they’re going through something. Some things will not be understood by our human mind.

Our lack of understanding can be that we know so little about how our reality really works. We have 98% of the cosmos that our human mind cannot see and doesn’t know anything about. Scientists call this dark matter. Why not ask your Higher Self to tap into this dark matter or unknown energy to help you in your current, everyday life?

The dark matter may include other dimensions or realities that we can tap into that can be helpful for our growth. They may be from the past, present or future since time doesn’t exist except for the gravitational fields of the sun and earth that keep humans in time and space.

Wings of Freedom's Pioneer Path to Higher Consciousness group meditationsThe dark matter may be a dimension or reality in the way of what you want – one that can be cleared up or transformed. It could be thought of as a past life or simultaneous/ parallel lifetime. You can ask your Higher Self, and optimal spirit guides, aligned with your highest good, truth and Source to help you transform all interfering lifetimes. If you’re not sure how to do this, you can start out by asking that an exact opposite reality or dimension merges with the one that’s interfering to help transform it. If that doesn’t help, you can go to a skilled practitioner to help you tap into your Higher Self and these realities so that you can clear them up. You can also try an energetic healing audio, from my website, to help since they are set up like an energetic healing session.

There are realities/dimensions/lifetimes that have already resolved what you are working on. It may be a past life that still has an energy to it that you can access. You can ask that the learning and growth comes in from this past life, so you are more fully embodying it in your current lifetime.

You can ask to tap into a future reality, where everything is resolved with the issues you are working on. This future reality may be your current self out into the future and/or a different reality you exist in where you’ve resolved this same issue and are doing well. You can ask to tap into one or more simultaneous or future realities so you can feel the answers and success you need.

We truly are capable of much more than we realize. We are in an era of great change. Let’s join hands together and make it beautiful! As the Hopi Indians say, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

Many blessings,

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen also founded the School for Higher Consciousness. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through the school’s workshops and also experience through her energetically healing audios. Some of the protocols are turned into audios that clear your energy field like a one-on-one session. Experience an Energetic Healing Audio for yourself.


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Maureen Higgins
Maureen Higgins, M.A., founded Wings of Freedom in 1998, a cutting-edge energetic healing practice that empowers people to transform their personal, ancestral, and karmic issues. Explore her energetic healing audios, set up like an in-person session, allowing for effective transformational work on a daily basis! Expand your intuitive abilities and develop energetic healing skills through her School for Higher Consciousness. Your time to fly has come!


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