Christine Day’s Pleiadian Message for November 2024


Beloved ones we greet you,

‘The great winds of change’ are once again flowing across your earth plane this month. However, they are currently bringing with them a more complete essence of sacred transformation than ever before. Heralding in vast shifts in consciousness that has been preordained for mankind.

These ‘winds’ are pre-destined to create an acceleration of light frequency, building daily, establishing on a multi-dimensional level enormous possibilities of transformational shifts within humanity. As these ‘winds’ begin their acceleration they will bring this greater potential for an expanded elevation of transformational change. Aligning you, supporting you towards a realization of Truth for your unique potential.

These ‘winds’ are also designed to forge onto Earth an expansive creational frequency flow that will infuse throughout the grid lines of the planet, shifting the energetic rotational flow of the planet. This will eradicate the illusion of time within your own psyche. Repositioning your awareness within the highly elevated spaces of consciousness to enable you to begin to function from another access point of Truth.

This expansive frequency flow, as it blends through the energetic grid lines will result in the birthing of a more expansive pure network of creation energy opening throughout and around the earth plane. This pure flow will begin to engage fully within the Magnet Core creating a series of multidimensional pulses, waves that will ripple across the planet. This flow will unearth a further density from within the planet. You can expect great changes to take place on a 3rd dimensional level. The drama will intensify within countries, communities, the entire world on your planet.

Your role is to let go and trust these unfolding times. To spend moments engaged within your multi-dimensional Heart. You get to choose to make a difference through holding your heart’s consciousness steady no matter what the drama or what is unfolding or being created around you within the drama of illusion.

Pleiadian message for October 2024 message from Christine Day

These ongoing phases of intense rippling will continually unleash waves of highly functioning light consciousness. Each individual phase will form a further series of light consciousness sacred Networks, and these are to shift the reality of consciousness within you. This rapid change and transmutation are destined to bring you into an unrealized hierarchy of yourself. This is the time for this natural unfolding to take place for those of you who are on the path of awakening. This is a time of letting go and allowing yourself to become reimagined. This upcoming juncture is an unparalleled space for your powerful transmutation, preordained to continue to accelerate further as you enter the New Year frequency of 2025.

Within this multi-dimensional frequency setting that is descending from the higher realms within this resident Universe, your planet is also about to be completely redesigned dimensionally. Entire new arenas, frequency realms are to be made manifest as a series of alternate reality spaces are to be reopened and then simultaneously stabilized within Earth. A series of these sacred arenas, which are purposeful spaces of pure original consciousness are to be once more made accessible to those of you who are ready to return.

As you enter and experience these pure spaces of consciousness you are destined to assimilate and be led into a more complete space of sacred orientation of Self, and you will be automatically anchored beyond the 3rd dimensional drama. These shifts are designed to accelerate your awareness to be enabled to complete essential levels of your mission and bring you into a direct realignment to the experience of realizing your higher-self functioning.

Through this returning pure flow there will be a releasing of a series of light imprinted codes that are to realign aspects of your DNA strands. The sole purpose of this design is to support you in the rediscovery of Self, leading you to realize your sacred vibrational frequency. Now is the time for these energies to be regained by you. Their role is to reveal ‘a mirroring’ of you; a vast patterned imprint of your unique consciousness that has always been held within you through the double helix vibrational movements. These spiral-like flows within you, that have been dormant, will be re-activated through you by this descending flow of pure consciousness.

Your sacred systems are designed to respond, like a light switch being turned on. There will be a quickening activated throughout your consciousness. Your brain synapses, Pineal, brain cells will be electrified to engage within an entirely alternate field of consciousness as your entire system will be infused by pure light. You will become restored, re-magnetized by the pure consciousness flow as it descends on Earth. Know that you can expect sudden revelations to be restored within you during this happening.

This entire process can be likened to a self-resurrection, you will be consciously rebooting yourself. This was always the way your awakening was destined to unfold. This is the juncture where everything is designed to shift. The ‘everything’ meaning your own ability to realize the truth of your unique authenticity happening in one moment of time.

You are being called to ready yourself. This means you are required to consciously choose, to open to the desire for ‘a returning’ of yourself. Understanding there is nothing between your authentic self and the next moment of realizing, recognizing who you have always been.

Allow a continual updating of Self during this very extreme and intense time. The words, ‘I AM’ carry the frequency of Truth of the energy of this entire metamorphic process which is to take place within you. There are no other words in your language to reflect the truth of this shift than these words, ‘I AM’. Your heart cells naturally respond to the frequency generated by the words, ‘I AM’. The heart cells will be enabled to open like ‘a flower to the Sun’ every time you anchor the frequency of these words.

All words in your language create a vibration. The words, ‘I AM’ create the clearest vibration of Truth within the very limited language that you engage on Earth. Prepare your Heart cells for this time of great change. Embrace the words, anchoring ‘I AM’ frequently. Feel see or sense how you become enlivened through the anchoring of these living frequencies of Truth within your system. ‘I AM’.

Be still and realize Self, now is the time!

The Pleiadians


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Christine Day
Christine Day was born and raised in Australia. In 1986, with a diagnosis of advanced systemic lupus, she was told she had a few months to live. Christine experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, moving her into remission and she has been symptom free since. In 1996 she had a direct encounter with a Pleiadian ship. Through this profound experience her pre-agreements and mission for this lifetime were revealed. She received an entire download of her unique Pleiadian aspect that totally transmutation of her entire energetic systems. This happening radically transformed her life and has enabled her to transmit a pure love frequency outward to humanity. Christine has become internationally renowned as the Pleiadian Ambassador for Earth. She is a spiritual teacher, healer, and channel. Christine has written three books: “Pleiadian Initiations of Light”, “Pleiadian Principles for Living” and “The Pleiadian Promise”. Christine presents Pleiadian Seminars and writes a monthly Pleiadian Messages column for The Edge Magazine. Find seminar information, Christine's series of online video courses, and a wide range of material offering a direct experience of her work with the Pleiadians on her website


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