Life in Time-Space part 3: Now What, and Why Me?


This is the third in a six-part article. Parts 4-6 will be posted in future months. Be sure to watch for them! Catch up by reading part 1 and part 2

Now What

Here we are, members of an infinite group of perfect beings. Our experience is rooted in unlimited, unconditional love. Our freedom and ability to create are unrestricted, so we start creating, and an infinite number of new realities is the result.

Some of us decide to create a time-space universe: we make the ‘big bang’ happen. We create a new kind of reality ̶ one in which the perceptions of oneness and the eternal now are hidden; one in which objects are seen as separate and distinct, and events appear to happen in sequence.

The process of creation is happening at every moment, at every level. It is happening right here, right now. We didn’t make this universe and then go do something else. We are like a pianist composing music ̶ as long as the pianist plays, the music continues. The musician plays because of his or her love of music. This time-space reality will continue for as long as we wish to create it. One day, quantum physics will find that matter and energy are ̶ that our universe is ̶ the result of the constant in-and-out fluctuations of an unmanifest field. If those fluctuations were to stop, time-space would cease to exist.

We have this new playground. Within the limitations, within the natural laws we establish, we can do anything. Cosmology describes how galaxies, stars, and planets form, but our current theories of cosmology and evolution are not complete. Evolution is not simply an automatic, unassisted process. We are artists fully enjoying the process of creation ̶ sometimes directing, sometimes watching, always learning.

We create the Earth, its air, land, water, and an amazing array of plants and animals. We make this place, you make this place, literally. If, while visiting a large aquarium facility, you are drawn to an especially unique and beautiful species of fish, go ahead and wonder, “Maybe I designed that.” When we feel a special affinity for a place or thing, maybe we have a direct connection to it of some kind.

Life in Time-Space

While observing Earth from the outside, we start to wonder, “What would it be like to experience this reality from the inside?” So we begin to modify the physiology of the most likely animal candidate in such a way that it will be able to support a scaled-down portion of our own unlimited consciousness. This incarnation process is gradual. At first, it is ninety percent animal instinct and ten percent projected soul consciousness, then eighty/twenty, then seventy/thirty. With the increasing soul-consciousness inside the physical body, it becomes important to reduce the new personality’s cognition of the eternal realities. Conscious awareness of our eternal nature makes the subjective human experience less than totally engaging. Our fascination with experiencing time-space completely on its own level requires the blocking from our human perception our true unlimitedness.

Of course, we choose to do this with absolute free will. There is no coercion. As souls, we exist before, during, after, and independently of any Earth-life. At any time we can end our participation. If we are here, we want to be here simply because it is an incredible experience. Living a life in which the subjective experience is one of complete individuality, without the perception of the underlying oneness of all things, is extremely fascinating. In one sense, perceiving our eternal nature is not the amazing thing. The amazing thing is not perceiving it.

Why Me

If we, as souls, choose to experience a physical life on Earth as a human being, then with a broad awareness of all possibilities and with great wisdom, we choose the basic parameters of that coming life. We design the kind of life we would like to live.

What time period would offer the correct ambiance? Which culture at that time would have the social atmosphere we desire? Do we want to be male or female, each having its own unique traits and tendencies? Should our appearance be average or extraordinary? What kind of personality would we like to have in the coming lifetime? What might be our talents and interests? Shall we be mentally and physically healthy or have underlying fear patterns to heal or physical challenges to deal with? Of course, with every challenge, the strength to overcome it is also available.

Who shall be our parents? We see all parental possibilities clearly, and we have total communication with the souls of those humans who could become our mother and father. Everything is in view, including the strengths and weaknesses in the personalities and genetic makeup of the parents, and even the possibility that a particular pregnancy might not go smoothly or might be intentionally or unintentionally ended. With this understanding it is clear that if a soul wishes to incarnate on Earth, it has unlimited opportunities to do so. Nothing humans could do could, in any way, limit a soul’s ability to create a perfectly suited physical body and personality.

Would the life experiences we desire be best achieved within a totally nurturing family or might we allow for the possibility of some harsh or challenging elements? Who might be our friends and schoolmates, or might the family not stay in one location for long periods of time? If we have siblings, a spouse, or children, who might they be? About how many years will the life last and what circumstances might be involved in the death of the body? Although these and other factors are not inflexible, these soul decisions serve as the foundation for a particular kind of Earth experience.

Other souls around us play a part as well. We have formed unique connections with many souls, and some wish to assist us in our coming Earth-life. As we go through life, we are free to be open to all this love and support, but, whether or not we sense it, no matter what we feel on the inside, we can be certain that we are never alone. We are always loved, supported, and connected to all ones far beyond our imagination.

Then, sometime around birth, our new personality enters the body and life unfolds… not in a predetermined manner, but full of potential and according to our conscious and subconscious choices. We learn and grow. We experience with great intensity happiness, love, success, and, although not specifically intended, probably some frustration and pain. This is the full range of what it means right now to be a human.

When we understand that this is the reality behind living on Earth, much of life’s confusion is alleviated. When we feel loved and happy, we are a manifestation of God as a human being. When we feel lonely and afraid, we are a manifestation of God as a human being. We can use this understanding to deepen the enjoyable times and elevate the challenging times. We can better answer life’s questions as they arise. Our confidence in our ability to live this life with skill and to the fullest grows in obvious and subtle ways. Appreciate the great value of your human experience – its value for you and for all those you knowingly and unknowingly influence every day.

The underlying purpose of life is love. Love yourself. Be kind to others and respect the planet. When humans fall short of these ideals, we, as souls, know that all things that appear to be negative or bad from the human point of view are simply the result of our human fear and confusion. It is enough that we keep as our guiding principle kindness to ourselves and others and then do the best we can.


This is the end of Part 3. If you wish, you may read the entire article as a free download at

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