Being in partnership with Source as co-creators of our lives is active, as well as passive and receptive — but it is active in the details, not the overall picture. We ask for the highest and the best for our lives. We repeat, “I allow,” and we focus on the steps we take today. In our partnership we may not see the path. We allow the path to present itself to us.
So, our activity follows our passivity and is directed by what we receive in our hearts, not from the constructs of our minds. Our activity is like the two-year-old who toddles away from mom, looks back, touches her knee, and then explores the room again. We are always checking in with Source. Have we lost our centers? Are we coming from our hearts? We monitor the temper and tone of our action. When we feel solid, we move.
Maturity is not struggling. It involves waiting and accepting our place humbly and following as we are led. It also involves joy and excitement and energy. But we don’t create that. We are available and we receive. Addiction is our effort to create what we know is missing instead of feeling its absence and healing our wounds. Love addiction tries to create the oneness with another human that by rights belongs to our relationship with Source. Food addiction tries to erase the gaping hole we feel inside when we sense our lack of wholeness. Substance abuse seeks to approximate the well-being that is only solidly rooted in a mature spirituality. All of these addictions are attempts to procure the result (oneness) without doing the healing work that is ours to do as humans on this Earth.
Immaturity is trying to find satisfaction in something other than Source. We know we are not complete, but we prefer to use our heads and our strong backs to find comfort instead of surrendering to the wisdom of our inner worlds to heal us. We like to rely on our minds, but our minds are always looking for a solution instead of trusting the process that is healing and wholing for us.
Maturity knows when to wait and when to act. Maturity is always connected. Maturity doesn’t look for solutions but knows that commitment to the life process is the answer. Maturity is what life asks of us. Not obedience, not self-denial, not arrogance, not success. Simple maturity.
A mature spirituality is the only basis for partnership. How can we partner with Source if we are still identified with the Needy Child or the Driven Executive? How can we even see Source if our vision is blocked by identification with an unhealed part of ourselves? Maturity is based on our allowing ourselves to be healed, not trying to make ourselves okay by our actions. For it is in that healing process that we partner with Source. We cannot heal ourselves. It requires maturity to acknowledge our limitation and courage to allow Source to work in us.