New Books to support Your Inner World


In her Books for Transformation series, Ruth Cherry, Ph.D., presents Transformational Psychology to the general public. Her foundation, practicing as a clinical psychologist for 40 years, informs her writing as she merges the dynamics of healing, psychologically and spiritually. One reviewer described Ruth’s work as “Transformational Psychology at its best.”

“The outer world reflects the inner world,” she writes. Then she teaches readers to know, listen to, and work with their own inner world processes. After reading the four books, readers develop skills journal writing, meditating, practicing presence, surrender and availability, as well as understanding their own conflicts. Ruth’s approach to identifying unconscious processes in terms of subpersonality relationships gives readers a tool to define healing. As they pay attention to the details of their inner worlds, readers open to unimagined possibilities in their outer worlds.

Ruth’s four books in the Books for Transformation series are Living in the Flow: Practicing Vibrational Alignment, Accepting Unconditional Love, Transformation Workbook, and Open Your Heart. Reading the Books for Transformation series heals and empowers readers, as well as teaches them to partner with life.

Ruth’s books are available from Amazon and from

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