Empathology 101: An Interview with Jeremiah and Amanda Rangel of IntraAwarenes


Periodically over the course of time, groups of people perceived as different have come onto the planet to help transform humankind. People who are highly sensitive to other people’s energy, known as empaths, represent one such group, and they are emerging now to support the personal transformation of humankind during this time of great change, according to Jeremiah and Amanda Rangel of IntraAwareness.

They are presenting the three-day workshop, Empathology 101™ — Tools & Training for People Sensitive to Energy, on June 21-23 at the Oak Ridge Hotel & Conference Center in Chaska, MN.

Jeremiah and Amanda Rangel spoke with The Edge about this event and why empaths are important at this time in our collective evolution.

For the unfamiliar, what is an empath and what are the signs that you might be one, but not know it?
Jeremiah Rangel:
An empath is somebody who is more spiritually, emotionally and energetically more sensitive, more in tune. Empaths come to Earth to help people who are elevating in consciousness or connecting with life. There is a difference between being an empath and having intuition. Every human being can use intuition and their intuitive faculties as a part of being, but an empath is somebody who feels more and cares more about humanity or nature, about the evolution of consciousness, and they’re built and born with a specific life’s purpose to help humanity in a very specific way.

Amanda Rangel: Discovering that you are an empath is a different process for everybody. Some people might just go through life feeling extra sensitive when they’re around large groups of people or family or friends, almost so sensitive to the point where they decide that they don’t like to be around large groups of people. That is somebody who is very likely an empath because they have that sensitivity to energy, the energy around them, but they haven’t necessarily learned how to develop that skill, to be able to use it in a way that works for them.

Somebody might realize that they’re an empath by their friends, family or co-workers coming to them, because they’re the go-to person to get advice when someone’s having a hard time. Others may start to feel better just being around an empath because the empath has the ability to tune into the energy of other people and upgrade it. They might not know how they’re doing it, but it’s something that’s happening.

Jeremiah: An empath is what we call the white sheep of the family. Some people say, “Oh, I was the black sheep of the family,” which is like being the odd one out, so to speak, but a lot of families have what we call darkness, meaning the absence of light. It’s unconsciousness, underdevelopment, maybe hurt, maybe fear. Empaths are just a little bit more developed. People see that you can sense more, and you can feel more of what is going on inside of somebody, what is going on in their life.

Some of the things that need to be developed with an empath, which we are going to present in our Empathology training, is how to not take on energy, how to not be too sensitive. Some people have 0 percent feeling, they are not tuned into their feelings, and then there are those on the other side — empaths –who feel everything. They may not be able to go to the Mall of America or out in public because it’s too much energy. They may think, “I’m really sensitive, I can get hurt easily” or “I go places that don’t really fit with me, and I take on that energy, and I don’t know how not to.” Empaths usually realize they have spiritual gifts, but they don’t always have a lot of people to talk with or get training from.

What daily challenges do empaths have in their lives?
What I found is that a lot of those who are drawn to our IntraAwareness offerings — coaching and courses and classes and such — are empaths. A part of them knows that they can get help by coming to events or being around us. But I’ve also noticed that some people don’t even know that that’s what is going on.

Everybody is not an empath. As we’re going through life having our own experiences, we build our own map of the world, how we see things and feel things. It’s easy to assume that everybody else is having the same experience. A challenge for an empath is that everybody isn’t having the same experience. When most people walk into a room full of strangers or family and friends, they aren’t necessarily picking up on the energy from individuals within that room. Whereas an empath will automatically do that and not know that their experience is just fundamentally different than the other people who are close to them.

Jeremiah: When I grew up, I was just more open than most people around me, and people would open up to me. They would share things with me that they didn’t share with anybody else. They opened up about sexual abuse or physical abuse or things they had never told anybody else. A good friend’s girlfriend would tell me things that she wouldn’t tell her boyfriend or her parents.

People who are empaths are more open and people feel more open around them — and that’s a really great thing. Empaths in work environments usually are the peacemakers, the ears to go to in tough situations. But the flip side in a work environment is that when a meeting happens and the boss blows up or a fight happens, they might unconsciously take on that energy and not know what to do with it. It’s kind of like taking out some garbage except you bring it home with you, without wanting it.

Amanda: And not knowing you have it.

Jeremiah: It’s part of the built-in ability of an empath to take more on than normal, but you don’t have to take on everything. We get the memo that we’re here on the planet to help humanity with something, but that can be overwhelming. A lot of empaths get overwhelmed trying to take on too much without the right training.

Amanda: If there’s a situation at work that gets heated and maybe there’s anger, an empath could take that on without knowing it, and bring it home. Then it starts to affect their home life. They’ve brought this energy back with them, but they just simply don’t have the tools or training to know how to transmute it. They came to Earth to help transmute that, but they haven’t yet got the memo on how to do that. Some people bring work home in a briefcase or on their computer. Empaths can bring work home energetically and have that reflected to their children, to their significant other, in a less-than-positive way.

The word empath is a part of the word empathy, which is caring greatly for people and other beings. But we’re not really talking about people having empathy, are we? It’s about having a superpower of empathy.
With empathy, it’s ” I care about you. I care about the situation.” I would say empathy is more like a choice. Being an empath is the being we choose before we’re born, and there’s not always a choice to feel or not to feel. Some empaths might get a piece of the puzzle about the basic blueprints to their life’s purpose, depending on how deep they go within themselves and how much work they have done on themselves.

The empath will feel more and is more spiritual; empathy is more psychological. People can have spiritual gifts, but not necessarily be empaths. People can channel, but not necessarily feel. And this has to do really a lot with kinesthetic feeling.

Amanda: On social media we had just posted that being sensitive and being an empath actually is a superpower. But like any good superhero movie, at the beginning when a superhero finds out that they have this superpower or they somehow get it, there can be little hiccups along the way as they’re learning how to use their new skill. So, it does take focus and dedication to test it out and see how it works — and reach out to get help from people who might have more training. Most of the people who get superpowers go to a master of it and are able to learn by trial and error, and that’s no different for this superpower.

What sets this workshop apart from others on the topic?
This is going to be foundational training. It’s Empathology 101, the study of being an empath. It’s the foundational version that every empath must have to be successful in this life. There are a lot of common patterns, common denominators of successful empaths.

A lot of people who do workshops, especially spiritual workshops, might have some experiences and then they teach from those experiences. My spiritual gifts are a little bit different. One of my biggest spiritual gifts is to help other people develop theirs. I’ve worked personally with over 6,000 clients, and I have over 155,000 hours of personal growth in my life, studying human self-mastery.

Part of what we’re going to do is ancient esoteric technology that we went to India to learn. I studied for 10 years in India at a place where Deepak Chopra, the Dalai Lama and Oprah Winfrey went, and we learned some ancient spiritual technology that not a lot of empaths have access to. Our workshop is going to be systematic, very balanced between psychological and spiritual. We’re going to give a very technical and very personalized way of how to develop as an empath.

Amanda: One thing that sets our workshop apart from others is that we have four empaths who are teaching this course, with more than six decades of experience combined. We have lived our lives as empaths and have honed in on the challenges that we have had and how we overcame them. We’re really looking to help raise up those who are out there, those this resonates with.

We purposely set this up for three days. Each day a ton of information is given on multiple levels and then it’s really important to have those two nights of integration and rest time and be able to come back the next day to have questions answered, to be able to share insights, to get that confirmation of really what happened the day before.

Jeremiah: And this is a foundational course of future, higher trainings. We’ll be able to help empaths as spiritual coaches. We’re here to help them do what they’re here to do.

What is your sense of how the lives of participants who attend Empathology 101 will be changed?
Based off of past specialty courses that we have had, from the first day empaths will start to feel more empowered, like they’re knowing themselves better. There will be a lot of “aha” moments, but not just from the head, with the mind going, “Oh, okay, I get that now.” This training is really going to be imbedded into their operating system as a human.

What I see is people leaving with a lot more self-love, being able to be more gentle with themselves, being able to set healthy boundaries in all environments. Healthy boundaries are never what the mind thinks that they are. Healthy boundaries means being able to have really harmonious relationships that work for somebody. So many times I hear empaths say they’re so busy feeling that they often look back on interactions and wish in hindsight that they would have said something or done something differently. The empowerment that we’re talking about is being able to, in the moment, be so connected within yourself that a flow comes through you and you’re able to share exactly what you’re feeling and what you need in each moment.

Jeremiah: People who come to this workshop are going to say things like, “Finally. You’re speaking my language. This finally makes sense. You just clearly said what I was feeling.” And we’re going to put listening to language to what they’re feeling. It’s so important to be able to maneuver and navigate the internal spiritual world out into the physical world. We need people in high levels of consciousness on the planet who can live practically in the world. They’re going to get the tools and resources that they have been looking for.

Most empaths are independent. Most empaths try to do it by themselves, but nobody can do anything by themselves. Nobody can birth themselves. Nobody can grow anything without the sun. I can go on and on. We need the universe. We need the world. We need other human beings. And so healing with a team is important. The biggest realization they’re going to get is, “I don’t have to do it all by myself.”

Why is the idea of the empath coming forth more strongly at this time in our planet’s evolution?
Groups of people come forward at different times for different reasons. I’ll just share a few different ones. The African American groups came forward for the abolishment of slavery — and that was for equality. That was their main message as a collective group. Then it was women’s rights, when the women’s movement stepped up. That was about balance, about the masculine and feminine energy. The homosexual/gay group came forward, and it was about love. The heart wants to do what the heart wants to do. Now the transgender group is here about self-acceptance.

The next group is what we call the light beings or the empaths. The empaths are starting to come through, and their message is transformation — personal transformation, collective transformation — which has to do with connecting to higher consciousness and the Higher Self.

Is there anything we haven’t mentioned or a final message you’d like to leave with our readers?
This is the first course that we’ve really opened up to more than 18 participants, and we’re opening it up to younger people, because the earlier that people can get this information, the easier their lives will be and the more they will be able to empower themselves. We have someone as young as 19 who is registered, as well as someone 70-plus who is registered. It is open to all empaths. It doesn’t matter how long somebody has known that they’re an empath or hasn’t known.

Jeremiah: The younger an empath gets skills and tools, the more it will greatly impact their trajectory of life. And somebody who is 70 might say, “Hey, I might not have much time left in life,” but no matter how much time you have, you will be helping others. For empaths to really do their work and break through, there has to be a critical mass to shift the consciousness of humanity. That’s what we’re here to do and that’s why it’s extremely important. Time and time again we have seen that so much can change somebody in one weekend. It can change the trajectory of somebody’s life or just really light up a person’s life.

The biggest takeaway is that it’s time, the time is now, and if you’re ready, you’re willing and you’re able, get ready, because you’re going to get what you asked for, and we’re going to walk you through it, every step of the way.

For more information on Empathology 101, visit IntraAwareness.com and www.eventbrite.com/e/empathology-101tm-tickets-51938408177.

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Tim Miejan
Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at t.miejan.25@gmail.com.


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