Affirm: ‘I Choose Love’


A Monthly Affirmation

There are experiences in all of our lives where everything deepens, where answers come, where healing happens and we release the past and our vision of the future becomes clear, exciting, something to live for. If you have yet to experience life in this way, know that it’s coming.

They say, when trying to create something in particular in your life you need to expect it. I wondered for a long time just how I could expect something to happen that completely rewrote the script of how the world was supposed to work. First I noticed that my big dreams for world peace were met with sad adults telling me that unfortunately there just wasn’t enough love in the world to heal us all. They said that it was important to try and that my contribution mattered, but they did not believe that I could or that we could truly ever get the job done.

As a child, world peace looked to me like the absence of certain things that I knew were not peaceful: war, starvation, drought, kidnapping and murdering, bullying, etc. As an adult my vision continued to evolve to include what peace might actually look like and not just what it wouldn’t look like. I began to find peace within myself after a very magical, but tumultuous, childhood. I began to know the feeling of peace and I realized that it was the same as the feeling of love, real love. I began to see that my actions were all in pursuit of love. I searched for belonging, connection, to be heard, my own voice, a space to be free. All of the times that I had looked back at my behavior with scornful eyes and short temper at my inability to get it right were forgiven in the presence of love. I was learning to love myself.

The process continued to show me the way by building support into my life. I found angels and guides, gods and goddesses and imagery and stories. I found crystals and books and language that seemed to capture my experience. I found The Edge magazine and friendships and groups and music. I found movement and pleasure. I found nature once again. I found confidence. I realized that no matter how far I travel I am always with myself, that none of us is ever too far gone to come home and that love is the one joy and guarantee that we always have available. I decided that it must be my purpose to experience love as fully as possible and that in doing so I could spread it and show the way.

Around the same time, I started to consider the interconnectedness of myself with all things. My perspective was shifting rapidly and the choices I was making seemed to yield more and more love, because I was choosing to act from this new place of understanding my place in the world as love itself. Of course, many questions remained unanswered as my experience deepened. Many pains and aches rose to the surface to be loved and released. I saw memories come back that I wished I didn’t have to. I loved myself and sourced love from those around me to support me as I waded through and often fell into the depths of my past.

I left a long-term relationship and dropped out of nursing school to follow my dream which I knew was to be free, a creator — of life, of art, of words, of music and channels of new information, of ways of doing things. I didn’t know what my dream would look like or how I was going to do it, but I knew that it did not feel like love or like freedom to continue on the path I was on. I followed freedom with my heart in my hands and my mind on pause.

There was much pain and doubt, anxiety and agony as I tried to sort out my truth from what I had believed in the past. I found strength in my support network and in the power of love that was within my own heart, guiding me even when I couldn’t see a foot in front of my face. I started to become aware of my cycles — realizing that productivity and rest work together and that heavy emotions surface to be met with the joy and lightness that clears and integrates them.

I didn’t know how to become the vision that I held for myself. I wasn’t sure how to transform the world into a place where love guided and supported us through the healing of our past, just like I was doing for myself. I would write a life plan or even a plan for the year or the month and change it a dozen times. But here’s what I know now: the plan can change, the vision can be fluid and the past does not limit us. We have power in this moment right now. That is the only place from which we create, the only place where we can choose love.

Choosing love is our power. When we choose love everything lines up to meet us where we are and support us. It won’t be all ease and flowers and rainbows but it will be love, we will be supported and we will come to be aware of both our support and our power to choose. When we are aware of our power, then all sense of powerlessness is gone. We rise above the feeling that any emotion, thought or circumstance can have power over us. We are restored to full strength and creative potential in actualization. We come home to ourselves; we realize who we are and what our purpose is. We continue to ask questions and learn and discover and we find joy and freedom in the process of our ever deepening experience.

I am at the point now where I love very much, very deeply and very fully. It is easy for me to find love. It is a simple matter of choice as to whether I want to feel lack or abundance. I see my life support me in all ways as I continue to travel in time cycling through memories and exploring visions of my big, beautiful future. Anxiety still comes, fear arises, doubt finds me and I choose, every time, to return to love. And so it all heals. This is the work of my life, to love fully and express my love in all of the ways that inspire me. I hold space for others, I create across artistic media, I deepen my senses and allow information to pour through that assists us as a whole humanity and a whole planet as we evolve toward love and balance in all areas of our existence. I am a warrior for peace and it’s so much more simple than I could ever have imagined. I know now that world peace is happening, that we are all capable of healing, that love is enough and is stronger than any fear. I know that fear simply leads us back to love. I know these things and I share them in every moment as I consciously choose to create the life of my dreams by choosing love.

My wish for you this month is that you will choose love, too. I promise you that as you make this a practice, it will lead you to all of the support that you need, all of the resources and opportunities, all of the clarity. I promise that love is all you need to create love. I promise that love is always a choice and that if you don’t know where to find it yet, then the intention to find it will be enough to show you.

Use this affirmation, “I choose love,” whenever you are challenged, or poised in a position of uncertainty. Use it whenever you notice that you have a choice to make, whether it be in response to your own thoughts and feelings or when determining what action to take or words to speak. Remember, this is a practice. Forgive yourself and love yourself as you go, choose love as you go and it will continue to create more and more of itself.

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Mama Rose
Mama Rose is an Artist, Psychic & Mother of three exploring the intersection of motherhood, sexuality, spirituality and nature through sonic creation. Her vocal focused, self-produced music and fingerpicking style guitar and ukulele combine as tangible proof that sound is medicine. Known for her vulnerable storytelling, rich lows and tender highs, poetic lyricism and emotionally evocative performance, Mama Rose is a reminder of what it feels like to live in the flowstate and return to personal power. Her words bring the mystical and magical back into focus and restore resonance between mind & body, individual & community, you & the spirit of Mother Earth. In addition to her music Mama Rose is a published author of Holistic and Healing literature, speaks publicly on her healing journey and mysticism, offers one-to-one healing sessions and creates video content to support her listeners in their own journey of coming home to Self and Spirit. Her first project, ‘drink More water’, released in February of 2021 housed the single ‘Sweet Waters’ which quickly became a favorite of 89.3 The Current and was featured as the Song of The Day. In the same year she released her debut Folk-Jazz album, ‘Set the Clock Down’ as well as a series of singles and collaborations sharing a rich landscape of heart-channeled words and vocal freedom. Listen, BOOK and learn more at


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