The first thing that you need to know about EFT (short for Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a quote taken right from emofree.com, the official website of Gary Craig, the original founder: “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.”
What else that you need to know is a quote taken directly from the work of Esther Hicks, who channels The Teachings of Abraham (www.abraham-hicks.com), who states that “all negative emotion is the result of being out of alignment with our Higher Source or Inner Being.”
When we feel negativity, we are seeing a circumstance in our lives differently than how our Higher Self sees it. However, The Teachings of Abraham also states that it is this very contrast that inspires us to grow and to expand. With that said, it is my experience that we are all searching for ways to augment and expedite our expansion.
EFT is by the far the most user-friendly, self-administered, effective method I have found to support, facilitate and implement our efforts. It can be applied to the continuum of challenges, from coping with day-to-day concerns to reprogramming your DNA, rewiring your brain, or to reconfigure the electromagnetic field around you. It can be integrated with any modality, be applied to any situation to effect change, and can be done on the go or in the comfort of one’s own living room. Plus, it is easily accessible just by going to YouTube to find help. If you find yourself struggling with insomnia at 3 a.m. with no support, searching EFT on YouTube offers a number of viable and immediate alternatives that can walk you through your discomfort.
The process is easy to learn and simply involves tapping on endpoints while you think or say what needs to be changed or reinforced. Perhaps the biggest challenge to adopting EFT as a useful tool for your emotional and spiritual growth is getting over the initial awkwardness of the procedure and then remembering to use it once you have mastered this sequential technique.
For me personally, EFT has become my number one intervention, not only when working with clients, but also in my own life.
For instance, I used tapping to move through the stages of grief while sitting in the hospital room with my mother as I assisted in her end-of-life transition, and, again, to tap through the tumultuous emotions experienced as I prepared to deliver her eulogy. I tap when in the dentist’s chair to counter the gag reflex, when I am saying my prayers and affirmations, and when I am rebounding and having my daily conversation with God and my guardians.
My husband and I use EFT weekly to set our goals, to express our gratitude for each other, and for the abundance evident in our day-to-day affairs. We use it to pray for those in our lives who are in need and to dissolve tension and bring understanding and resolution to differences. We never have an emotionally charged conversation unless we are able to tap as we talk, because we have come to learn that this assures resolution.
My godchild and I used EFT to heal the grief of our separation when I moved from California to Minnesota.
I use tapping to enhance my clients’ ability to manage daily stress: to deal with their addictions, and to manifest their affirmations and attain their goals. In fact, using EFT to enhance my inner child/soul work led to the creation of my signature brand of energy therapy I call Interactive Tapping™. This involves weaving EFT sequences in with my inner child/soul perspective while accessing one’s Akashic Records, (the records of one’s soul.) The results are amazing. This advanced method of energy tapping uses targeted tapping sequences to address all forms of relationships.
We are constantly responding to the relationships in which we are involved. Whether it is with another, with our bodies, our pets or our inner selves, we are always interacting. If there is a conflict, tapping offers relief. In fact, what you really know about EFT is that once you make EFT your friend, you will have an immediate way to get relief…from anything!