The Edge: Part of My Destiny


After moving to the Twin Cities area in 1985, having a spiritual awakening in 1990, then being on an intense spiritual journey since 1991, in 2001 I began having the feeling I would be moving… somewhere….

A couple fellow healers and I had just started a non-profit corporation called Golden Visions Center, and Tim Miejan from The Edge interviewed us, as we were planning a FUNdraiser in October 2001. I had no clue about the impact that interview would have on my life and destiny!

Soon after the interview was published in the September 2001 Edge, I received three separate calls from people in Silver City, NM, a town I had never heard of before. The callers said they had the same vision as me, and they invited me to visit their fine town. Well, that sounded like fun!

Three other friends and I decided to fly to Albuquerque, rent a car and drive to Silver City, which is in the southwest corner of the state. We planned to visit a few other places, too, but Silver City was the primary goal. We decided April would be a good time to go.

About a week later, while dining with friends at Famous Dave’s, a cousin of mine and his wife had just returned from a visit to the Southwest. As he told their story, he said the name “Silver City” three times. They had flown to visit Sedona, but for various reasons (one being that Silver City was a huge part of my destiny), they had ended up in Silver City at the hot springs.

The first time he said the words “Silver City,” I heard a group of voices firmly saying, “Listen.” In my mind, I said, “I am listening!”

The next time he said “Silver City,” I again heard, more strongly, “Listen.” Responding again in my mind, I said, “I am listening; we are planning a visit in April!”

The third time he said “Silver City,” the entourage was booming loudly: “Listen.” This time, in my mind I said, “OK, we’ll go as soon as possible.” The room immediately felt silent. I turned to the person next to me, asking, “Did you just hear anything?” She immediately responded, “No, why?”

Well, okay then, that was weird…but not so unusual, at least for people in the business of what I affectionately call “woo woo.” At the time I had only heard a few messages that clearly — and each message was definitely related to my destiny, so I knew this trip was very important!

Meanwhile, I wondered how in the heck people from Silver City knew about me. I discovered that Marilyn and Tohmas Twintrees, former organizers of the Festival of the Little People, had recently moved to — yes, you got it — Silver City, and they had asked Gary Beckman to send a few copies of The Edge to the Silver City Co-op each month. The Co-op is one of the “hubs” in town. Mystery solved.

We visited that March. I went again a few months later, staying for a month, thoroughly checking out the town. One of the first times I walked downtown, I simply “knew” this was home, but I didn’t find the right place to live. Finally, about two years later, after making a gentle threat to the Universe, I “found” my Silver City home and have lived here for 14 years! But that is another story!

There are many reasons it was part of my destiny to move to the Southwest. I have met some wonderful people there, and I continued the vision of Golden Visions Center (I recently closed the center). There may be another book in regards to the primary reason I had to move…which was definitely not just to get away from the Minnesota winters. And yet another story!

The Edge has been an integral part of my destiny. I have advertised in it in some manner for too many years to count, and am ever grateful to the people at The Edge for being part of the fabulous holistic and spiritual communities here in Minnesota. Maybe you could once again send a few magazines down to the Silver City Co-op? There are lots of people from the Midwest here.

Just sayin’.

Fare for All pop up grocery store
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Madonna Kettler
Madonna Kettler, Ph.D., is an award winning transformational hypnotherapist, hypnotherapy trainer, energy worker and author who has been dedicated to raising her consciousness as well as that of All That Is for nearly 30 years. She facilitates life-changing workshops and trainings around the country. For more info, call 575.534.1291 or 612.709.5578 or email


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