Oh My God? is a visual testament to humanity’s interconnection. A perfect film for this time, Peter Rodger’s film reveals that what we truly share in common with each other is our desire to use whatever we can – especially orthodox interpretations of Scripture, of any religion – to ensure that we are safe. Many of us fear others, and many of us wrap ourselves in divine Scripture to protect ourselves. That is usually done in the name of God. When asked what God is, some say it is “war.”
But strip away that need to protect ourselves with God and you have a humanity that is willing to acknowledge that God is a concept that represents the Creator, the energy that not only manifests all that we know into existence, but exists in and through us. Some call it “the space between the words” or “the space between us.” Others call it Love. Still others find that the human need to create the concept of God is unnecessary, even counter productive to living a happy life. Some say that God is something that cannot be described, that cannot be reduced to human explanation.
God means something to everybody, even if it is not believed. The value of this film – Oh My God? – lies in its ability to transcend one interpretation, one mythology, and give us a much broader perspective. Based on how the film made me feel, perhaps God can only be considered with the heart, and not the thinking mind. Watch this film with your heart and you will feel the love.
READ: Oh My God? An Interview with Filmmaker Peter Rodger
Oh My God? runs December 4-10 at the Lagoon Cinema, 1320 Lagoon Ave., Minneapolis (612-825-6006). Visit www.omgmovie.com