JAMES VAN PRAAGH One Night Only in the Twin Cities


    Psychic and Medium James Van Praagh, co-executive producer of the hit CBS drama Ghost Whisperer, will return to the Twin Cities for one night only on Friday, October 6, courtesy of Edge Life Events. This special event will take place at Earl Browne Center, 6155 Earle Brown Drive, Brooklyn Center, Minn. It will be the last personal appearance for Van Praagh in 2006.

    Before the main event at 8 p.m., Edge Life is offering a special One-Hour Intimate Conversation with Medium James Van Praagh from 6:30-7:30 p.m., and exclusive seating in the first four rows during the main event, which will last from 8 to 10:30 p.m. Acclaimed Minnesota singer/songwriter Michael Monroe will perform prior to the event.

    The Intimate Conversation with James Van Praagh costs $155. Preferred seating during the Main Event is $85 and general admission is $55. Tickets are available at Ticketworks.com, or call (651) 209-6689 or toll-free 1 (866) 390-3343. No additional fees or service charges will apply, and free event parking is available at the site.

    His very natural, easy-going style would lead you to believe that James Van Praagh is chatting with a friend on the telephone, not communicating messages from the grave. James is a survival evidence medium, meaning that he is able to bridge the gap between two planes of existence, that of the living and that of the dead, by providing evidential proof of life after death via detailed messages.

    "I’m clairsentient," he explains, "which simply means clear feeling. I feel the emotions and personalities of the deceased. I am also clairvoyant, or clear seeing, very much like Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost."
    The true essence of the messages are the feelings behind the words. Van Praagh has been in touch with those feelings most of his adult life. "The spirits communicate by their emotions. No words exist in the English language, or any other for that matter, which can describe the intense sensations."

    Van Praagh’s message of hope has touched a great many more people due to his television appearances on such shows as Oprah, Larry King Live, Maury Povich, 20/20 and 48 Hours. His popularity began during his appearances on the NBC talk show The Other Side. The show concentrated on paranormal issues, and Van Praagh became the favorite guest and resident expert on the subject of life after death. He also produced his own show, Beyond with James Van Praagh, and CBS aired a television mini-series based on his first book, Talking To Heaven.
    Newsweek reported, "He has changed people’s lives, banished the fear of death, and brought grieving parents the solace of their dead children’s presence….It is impossible not to be moved." Howard Rosenberg, the Los Angeles Times distinguished television critic, dubbed Van Praagh "spectacular."

    To assist others in spiritual awareness and fulfillment, Van Praagh has produced two meditation tapes Tuning Into: Intuition / Abundance and Tuning Into: Healing / Forgiveness. In his instructional video Devleop Your Psychic Self, Van Praagh shares his personal techniques to develop your own innate abilities. His unique paranormal experiences during the past 15 years have been recorded in his best-selling books Talking To Heaven, Reaching To Heaven, and Healing Grief, all published by Dutton Books.
    For more information, visit www.vanpraagh.com

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    Tim Miejan
    Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at t.miejan.25@gmail.com.


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