Starcodes: October 25-31


Starcodes week of October 25-31, 2024

The nights grow longer, the Sun is now in Scorpio and asks us to befriend our fears by facing them directly, whether we’re afraid of the winter’s cold, monsters on Halloween, unsettled family ghosts, or the fears now trying to run the political show.

Welcome to the spooky, sacred time of Samhain, Halloween, and soon, All Saints’ Day and the Day of the Dead, when the veil thins. This year the true halfway mark, the cross-quarter day between the fall equinox and winter solstice occurs on November 7th, but the scariest, most potential- filled day of all may be voting day, just a week and a half away.

Two big astrological patterns perfect over the next few weeks. A Mars-Pluto opposition brings a confrontation of wills while a visionary grand trine with Mercury, Mars, and Neptune offers inspiration.

Building now- peaking November 3- that opposition between willful Mars and powerful Pluto intensifies our personal search for meaning and exacerbates power plays. It occurs at the last degrees of Cancer and Capricorn and can return us to old wars and problems we thought we’d already defeated. It’s easy to see this play out in this highly-contentious presidential election, but it may be trickier to spot the tension building up in our own daily lives. We could feel this as an internal argument between different needs or an external argument between different personalities, or just because we’re in a mood.

Although it’s good to be physically active with this Mars Pluto opposition it’ll be important to warm up to avoid pulled muscles and triggering old injuries. Play with that metaphor, warm up in an argument and establish connection before jumping in the deep end.

When we step out of the polarizing garden of right and wrong, this opposition can also loan us bravery and heroism to solve problems. We can use time as a chapter review to remember what we’ve learned and step towards a more balanced life.

The anxiety, magic, and mystery of this time of year is amplified by a visionary, non-logical grand trine between mental Mercury in focused Scorpio, Mars in self-protective Cancer, and Neptune in Pisces, all intuitive water signs; they encourage magic but can also breed conspiracy theories. This trine can also bring our deep awareness to the element of water, floods, and the need to protect the health of all waters.

Venus is now in restless Sagittarius and steps out of bounds, it heads north outside of the well-worn path of the Sun. When a planet steps out of bounds, what it signifies tends to step out of the protocol, out of its normal path. We can invent new ways but can’t count on ordinary predictable behavior. Venus out of bounds in Sagittarius can help us love the world and see the bigger ecosystem, love as a global citizen. Venusian Anima energy steps out of bounds and won’t stick into the ordinary rolls that society prefers; look for wild women left and right.

Friday could bring interesting heart connections, but also wild grandstanding as the outgoing Leo Moon squares Mercury and Uranus. The Moon then enters industrious Virgo over this productive weekend and can help us get our home and gardens ready for the winter, our politics reading for voting.

Mars trines Neptune early next week and encourages us to let go of some old anger that wastes our time and energy and set more visionary goals. Venus square Saturn asks us to love our work and show our love through work period chores; concrete help is a powerful love language.

Midweek, a Libra Moon with a Venus-Pluto semi-square can bring us to our hearts, give us a bittersweet moment as we acknowledge our ancestors. We need to stay flexible and ready to pivot as Mercury opposes change-inducing Uranus, peaking on Wednesday, which can surprise us, encourage us to change our minds, bring some shocking news, or make us more anxious or accident prone. Keep breathing and find a good way to use this energy to break out of old patterns.

It’s also a good time to make beautifully creative costumes. Mercury trines intuitive, imaginative Neptune on Halloween, just on the dark of the Moon in Scorpio peaks the mystery and snark, suspicion and excitement. A great time for ghost stories and visits with the other side but could bring out the strangest conspiracy theories. Tell wonderful stories, but rigorously confirm all facts before repeating a story as truth.

Starcodes reading for the week of October 25 through 31

Friday, October 25: The volume turns up on our emotions until we listen. We don’t have to act on those feelings, but we do have to hear them and take them into consideration. Practice active, unjudgmental listening- first to oneself and then to others- or people will tend to act out as the Leo Moon squares Mercury and sextiles Jupiter. Tonight, let the pressure roll away and expand the heart.

Moon square Mercury 10:41 AM MDT, Moon sextile Jupiter 3:41 PM.

Saturday, October 26: Pay attention to one another first thing this morning; ask about dreams, check in with their life and help people feel seen. Then make a smooth transition to needed chores and duties midday as the Moon enters Virgo. Work flows easier when we feel like our people care. Don’t get snagged by petty energy- wasting arguments this afternoon; delegate, share control, and stay goal-focused. Keep eyes on the road ahead. Share encouragement tonight as that Virgo Moon sextiles the Sun.

Moon square Uranus 2:03 AM MDT, Moon enters Virgo 9:47 AM, Moon sextile Sun 5:54 PM.

Sunday, October 27: If it bugs us, let’s fix it; our irritations point to what needs work as Mercury quincunx both Chiron and Jupiter and forms a thoughtful Yod. Just don’t try to fix one another; encouragement furthers but unrequested advice will be seen as a criticism. We can feel old and achy tonight as some responsibility leans on us as the Moon opposes Saturn. Be the grown up but don’t take on more than is fair; notice where the burden is shared and empower others to be part of the solution, even if it just means cooking dinner together, as the Moon opposes Saturn.

Mercury quincunx Chiron 12:23 AM MDT, Mercury quincunx Jupiter 2:50 AM, Moon square Venus 9:39 AM, Moon opposed Saturn 11:55 AM.

Monday, October 28: It’s a busy day. Write that to-do list, set goals early in the morning and engage an inspiring Mars-Neptune trine to expand our imagination and creatively accomplish. Or choose to get lost in a great book. Just don’t space out and get lost in a mental fog when others need your reliability this afternoon as Venus squares Saturn. If feeling grumpy, engage professionalism and healthy relationship skills to smooth the way. Be willing to work at love. The interpersonal flow eases tonight as the Moon enters friendly Libra.

Moon square Jupiter 3:36 AM MDT, Mars trines Neptune 6:30 AM, Moon sextile mercury 7:15 AM, Venus square Saturn 7:34 AM, Moon trine Uranus 2:23 PM, Moon opposed Neptune 5:31 PM, Moon sextile Mars 5:54 PM, Moon trine Pluto 9:54 PM, Moon enters Libra 10:29 PM.

Tuesday, October 29: If our heartstrings are tugged or we feel afraid to lose something important as Venus semi-squares Pluto, instead of shutting down or getting sarcastic, let’s open to compassion. This does not mean enabling others; set loving boundaries. Quietly be there for one another- many people have complex personal issues distracting them or feel emotionally preoccupied by the election, the climate, or other large scale looming concerns. Don’t get caught up in details, focus on the bigger issues at work.

Venus semi-square Pluto 6:22 PM MDT.

Wednesday, October 30: We can change our mind in response to sudden news, changing situations, or just our own nerves as Mercury opposes Uranus. Surprises abound, so do odd electrical snafus. Roll with it. Instead of getting anxious, stay in the present moment and make the most of any opportunities to turn the course. Control sudden impulses, think through consequences a few heartbeats before taking action. A sudden lightning bolt can bring insight or inspire a great Halloween costume.

Moon sextile Venus 5:38 AM MDT, Mercury opposed Uranus 4:14 PM, Moon trine Jupiter 4:22 PM. MDT.

Thursday, October 31: Deal with early morning irritations as the Moon squares Mars and Pluto. Prioritize calm, reel in anxious suspicion, and wrangle those problems. Then engage the Halloween holiday spirit as the Moon wanes into mysterious Scorpio while Mercury trines intuitive, imaginative Neptune and active Mars. Feel the magic, honor ancestors, tell stories, tune into divination, and step into an alternate Halloween persona. Just monitor that fine veil between wild imagination and concrete reality; stay safe, grounded, and present- even in these mists of mystery.

Moon square Mars 8:56 AM MDT, Moon square Pluto 10:56 AM, Moon enters Scorpio 11:29 AM, Mercury trine Neptune 6:33 PM.

Provided by Heather Roan Robbins


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Heather Roan Robbins
Astrology does not define the future, it describes a pulse, a pattern – you choose how you respond. Let me know what you need, I can do an in-depth reading or work on a specific question. Readings start with a deep look at your natal chart, transits and progressions; who you are, your strengths, weaknesses, and your soul’s priorities, what’s being triggered in your chart now, and how best to work with those energies. I work via Zoom and phone. I am a practical, intuitive, choice-oriented astrologer, ordained interfaith minister, OBOD member, and Hay House author. Find my weekly "Starcodes" astrological forecast on The Edge website.


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