Featured Articles

lessons in letting go

Enlightened Living: Real Life Lessons in Letting Go

First Key Lesson: Any form of painful demand - whether on others, or upon ourselves - is born of unconscious attachment; it is proof of a level of consciousness that would rather cling to...
quantum energy rings

Quantum Energy Rings: Tools for Creating Positive Energy

It was 2004 when I transitioned from being a massage therapist to becoming an Inner Diamond Teacher and taking on a customer service position in Marie Diamond’s company. Before that time, I had not spent...
Dragon in the Fields painting by Carole J. Hyder

The Mythical Dragon Arrives in 2024: Fire-Breathing? Or Hope-Bearing?

The Chinese Solar New Year is always celebrated on February 4th. The Lunar New Year, however, is based on the movements of the moon, so it varies substantially. This year the Lunar Year begins...
electromagnetic interference energy at home

Is Your Home Making You Sick?

The health and energy frequency of our home has a dramatic impact on the personal health, happiness and well-being of each person living there. Why? Because you are living, eating and sleeping inside the body...
spiritual tools to raise your vibration

Tools to Raise Your Vibration

It’s important to keep your energy field and inner self clear on a daily basis. This means letting go of daily and inherited problems, including outdated issues, patterns, beliefs, memories, and emotions not serving...
Christine Day Pleiadian ambassador

Exploring Extraordinary Realms: A Conversation with Christine Day

Introducing Christine Day: A Pleiadian Ambassador Welcome to another fascinating blog post! We had the pleasure of introducing Christine Day, a remarkable individual who has embraced her role as a global ambassador for all things...
a path of heart spiritual journey

What Might Be a “Path of Heart?”

If such a thing exists, how important is it to be on such a path? Many cultures and traditions have similar sayings which loosely and not-so-loosely translate into congruent outlooks. In the ages-old arts that...
Ed Begley Jr interview

Small Steps We Can All Take to Attain a Sustainable Lifestyle with Ed Begley...

https://youtu.be/CM1v9YjW_3g Like and subscribe to our YouTube channel Ed Begley Jr. is a feature film, television and theatre actor, author, and environmental activist. Kelly Wagner and Brian Mariani from The Being Curious Show had the pleasure...
how to go beyond fear at any moment

How to Go Beyond Any Fearful Moment

The real reason life feels like it's so full of hard choices that we have to make is because, in our spiritual sleep – and in the dreams we dream therein – we stand...
panpsychism the relationship between mind and matter

Panpsychism and the Relationship between Mind and Matter

For over two millennia a metaphysical theory about mind and matter, consciousness and the Cosmos has fiercely divided philosophers and scientists. The theory is called ‘Panpsychism’ and it is now re-emerging in the 21st...
unleash your inner light

Unleash Your Inner Light

Each year, as we enter the darkest time of the year, there have always been those who know how to connect with their own inner light and seem to be unaffected by the darkness....
home oponopono prayer

The Sentience of Your Dwelling Place: “Home” oponopono

One of my goals for writing my book Conversations with Your Home was to seed the idea that your house has had a life and history of its own before you moved in. Even...
plants that heal

Plants That Bring Healing

Recently, healthcare trends have changed, and people are seeking easier, natural alternative, and sometimes unconventional, healing methods. The ancient Hawaiian prayer-based healing practice “ho’oponopono” means “to make things right,” and promotes forgiveness and focuses...
life after our physical life

Life After… Our Physical Life

What is our life like after our physical life is complete? Do we continue into the beyond? As I have worked with those who have passed and no longer have a physical body, my...
spiritual truth with De'Ette

Spiritual Truth with DeEtte

So often, we feel that we are alone in this vast world. When life becomes difficult or confusing, this is a time that we tend to feel more solo in this journey, as if...
my calling as a paranormal investigator

Finding my Calling as a Paranormal Investigator

Do you believe we have a calling? Have you been called? What have you been called to do? Was it something so big that it changed your life? Was it something you were called...
Shakti Gawain creative visualization book cover flower art

Remembering the Life and Legacy of Shakti Gawain (1948-2018)

Shakti Gawain, the renowned author, and co-founder of New World Library, left an indelible mark during her lifetime until her passing on November 11, 2018. Born as Carol Louise Gawain on September 30, 1948,...