Transcending the Self


If an acorn had an ego,
there would never be any oak trees.

If an acorn thought it had a purpose, accomplished only by remaining an acorn,
there would never be any oak trees.

If an acorn thought it needed to hold fast to hope, prayer, faith, meditation and belief,
there would never be any oak trees.

If an acorn thought it needed to travel around from place to place instead of getting grounded,
there would never be any oak trees.

If an acorn thought it needed to be disconnected from nature,
there would never be any oak trees.

The acorn must break itself open.
It must get rid of itself.
It must get grounded.
Seek depth.
Be still.
Move into the dark.
And the void.
It must retreat.
And then re-emerge to become the majestic oak.

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Deanna Reiter
Deanna Reiter, MA, has helped individuals worldwide resolve personal issues through conscious breathing. She is a Rebirthing Breathworker, Certified Personal Trainer, Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi Instructor, a USA Track & Field Certified Running Coach and a Master Trainer for the National Exercise Trainers Association. She is the author of Qi Breathing: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times, Dancing with Divinity: Positive Affirmations for Any Situation and The Nine Scoundrels: How to Recognize and Release Subtle Patterns of Sabotage. Deanna offers individual and group breathing sessions, as well as breathing workshops. She can be contacted at [email protected].


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