Celebrating Intuition: Introducing the Trust the Voice Within Movement


After watching the movie I AM, I was having a rather animated discussion with God about why such movies don’t talk more about intuition. Movies like What The Bleep Do We Know?!, The Celestine Prophecy, The Living Matrix and I AM all touch on intuition, but they don’t spend much time on its importance.

When I was done ranting, the words came into my head to start a movement that will help people understand what the “voice within” is and how to live by it.

Psychic abilities, life after death, the soul, heaven, hands-on healing and ghosts are all topics that I have written books about, but my most favorite subject among all my books is intuition. That still, small, silent voice within all of us is there to guide us continually. It’s mysterious, magical, loving and awesome when we realize that this silent voice within us is there just for us, and its sole purpose is to make our lives easier by continually giving us guidance when we need it. We don’t have to feel alone or feel like no one understands us, because our intuition does understand us unconditionally and always wants to be of help.

Recently on the TV show “Rizzoli and Isles,” the cop (Rizzoli) asked the coroner (Isles) what her gut told her about the case. The coroner (who doesn’t get the whole gut concept) said, “I don’t know what my intestines say about it.” I thought that was pretty humorous — and realistic — because a lot of people don’t know what “within” means! When we talk about intuition being within, we are not referring to within the physical body. The inner voice actually resides within the core of our soul and it has been guiding our soul through every incarnation.

What is Intuition?
Webster defines intuition as the immediate knowing of something without the conscious use of reasoning. It’s located somewhere between our heart and our solar plexus. It’s an inner nudge. A knowing. A sense or feeling. Not an emotional feeling but a knowing feeling.

The purpose of the Trust the Voice Within Movement is to encourage people to tune in to their inner guidance. To support you on your path, Leigh Hopkins of Viva Institute created a website — www.trustthevoicewithin.com — devoted entirely to living by intuition. Each week we’ll discuss different topics and encourage you to share your stories with us to help others understand how it works.

Here is what you’ll find here at www.trustthevoicewithin.com:

  • Real-life stories and questions to make you think about the times when you’ve listened to your intuition or not, and how to tune in when you want to! This is a place for you to share your own stories and to comment and support others in this community.
  • Guided meditations, video messages, news clips, and more.
  • A news section with real-life stories and examples of how intuition is being used on a daily basis.
  • “Yeah, but…,” a section devoted to stories about the times when you should have listened to your intuition and didn’t!
  • Information on intuition groups in your area. If you’d like to create one in your area, write to Leigh Hopkins at [email protected].
  • Resources like my book A Still, Small Voice, as well as a meditation CD, and an Intuition t-shirt.

Share your stories, comment on other people’s stories, and join us in this supportive community! Let’s spread the word about this divine voice within. You are not alone!

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  1. Hi Echo–I almost fell off my chair when I read about your speaking of an ‘inner voice’–the first time I heard from my inner voice is when I was seven years old and It said “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I didn’t know that was the golden rule until I was 18 years old! I too do my rantings to God –and yes–He always answers…I’m very careful to not control this-so I was delighted to hear that It comes from my soul! All the churches I have attended-all the readings I’ve had–never heard anyone mention having “inner voice” –except you–maybe that’s God’s way of opening the door for other to express this wonderful gift. I’ve had many experiences and would be an honor to share them. (I was born and raised in Sioux City, Iowa) It was there I begin to hear His voice-rejected it for months – then finally said– O.K. –O.K. — I accept….
    With deep love and appreciation for your sharing this. Ann

  2. The question I have for both of you, Ann and Echo, as well as everyone else is this! Are you absolutely, totally and unequivacably sure it is God you hear? Intuitively absolutely certain that answers that come to you are from God! Maybe the voice, the answers, the understandings, the awareness you experience is really YOUR voice, energy, awareness and understanding on another more advanced level of conscious awareness and being!

    It has been the unwillingness to believe or accept our consciousness has many levels of awareness beyond this physical plane!!

    Ladies……give credit for the answers you receive, but give the credit to Your Self! Not God…..remember this is all about a conscious awakening! Consciously awakening to our own Self, not a God energy that is so ambiguous and undefined!! This is about YOU….not God!!

    In Friendship

  3. Hi Echo.I just found a book by you and then odert most of what you have writen. I love everything you talk about and teach. And share with others for it seams People are waking up and there gifts are coming to the forfront and some are scared and need help. Many are from the Church realm.So I tell them to get your book the Gift. Thank you so much for all the wonderufl writings you have. I wont to take you class on developing the intuition.I seam to back of when it wonts to operate often i do not feel confident to let it flow. And when i get criticized then i realy with draw and dont let it flow. But I know that the voice is our God voice inside our higher self.For we are that I Am that I am.I would say we need to discern if a voice would tell us to hate or hurt It would not be from our Higher Self. The Ego or some other entety would give us that input. Hope to see you sometime when you come to S.Ca.

  4. Hello Echo, I have been reading your books and find them very interesting. I would like if you could give me some information about your course on line. I will love to take part in it. Some of your stories and experiences that you has had about God are very similar to the ones at times I have.
    Your books have giving me a lot of hope and gratitude. Please advised me of what should I do to take some of your courses. I reside in Canada. I live in small town in the north of British Columbia.
    I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I used to meditate but since the passing of my mom and shortly after my brother, I just re-started my readings and the desire to keep on my studies. It comes and goes, at times I just don’t do anything. Your books have helped a lot to get me a bit motivated and try to start a new commitment. I do thank you. May God bless you.

  5. Hi Echo, I just finished reading your book “What Happens When We Die” and I just wanted to say THANK YOU. My wife suffered with Sacoidiosis, msp, and they said she had a hole in her heart which was diagnosed as a heart murmur when she was a child. She suffered for many years and was on oxygen for about the last fice years constantly. I want to keep this message so I won’t go into much detail. After my wife died I went to see friends in Florida. While there we went to a book store that had a lot of physic books and material. I talked to the owner and told him how my wife had prepared for her death and it seemed like she knew she was going to die. When we left the house to go to the Hospital she said I’m not coming back. I told her to stop talking like that. I said I’m praying for God to heal you and you’re praying for him to take you. We have to get together. The last night at the hospital when I was getting ready to leave she was sleeping and it didn’t seem like she was hardly breathing. I didn’t want to wake her but I just THOUGHT if she could just open her eyes so I could say good bye. With that her face came alive and her eyes were wide open. She looked me in the eye and said “I LOVE YOU.” I gave her a kiss and said I love you too. I still tear up when I think about it but that really was all I needed. I know now that she is in a better place and her pain is finally gone. Thank YOu for your book and the healing words. One day maybe we will meet and I can give you a big hug. God Bless You for all you do.


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